- Offering telephone voice inquiry service
The service includes the following:
- Register condition of a case
- Survey condition of a case
- Various application notes
- Address, working hours and telephone number of the sections
- Offering touch-sensitive computerized inquiry service
The service includes the following:
- of current assessed land value and published land value
- of radiated buildings
- Evaluation survey of dangerous buildings after 921 Earthquake
- Information on telephone number, address, opening hours and area of control of local land office
- Organization, floor plan and location diagram of local land office
- Status inquiry of land administration registration and survey
- Make WWW service of land administration open to the public
- Set up cadaster , land value and survey maps television service
- Had provided the English version of the real estate registration certificate since Nov 1, 2003
- Set up mortgage registration canceling network service
- Set up courthouse entrusting restraining registration network
- Implement cadastral copies issuing network all over the country
- Applying for cadastral copies on internet and paying the fee through popular ATM, the public can receive the cadastral copies at home easily
Updated:2021-02-01 PM 04:56:13